The Biblical Billionaire Conference 2024

Redemption City | October 18th - 20th 2024

Have You Watched a Billionaire’s Interview Before?

During the interview, I’m sure the billionaire was asked, “What is the secret of your success?”

And all billionaires, from Mark Zuckerberg to Bill Gates to Elon Musk, they all say the same answer, “Follow your passion”.

Well, clearly, they are not telling us the whole truth because if they were, they won’t all have the exact same answer.

Billionaires don’t share their secrets in public because it makes people judge them.

I have been privileged enough to work closely with billionaires and study them since early on in my career.

I have discovered from them that what will make you wealthy is more than passion.

In fact, I know a few billionaires that have businesses that they are not passionate about, yet are making crazy money from that business.

So what really makes a man stupendously wealthy?

There’s a lot, but if I was to give a one-word answer to that question, it’s information.

Every time I chat with a billionaire, I always leave loaded with information that eventually makes me richer.

I call it the Secret Information of Billionaires. That’s how come I now own acres of land, a hotel and other investments worth multi-millions.

The knowledge these guys share behind closed doors is just GOLD!

Mind you, I didn’t get to where I am in a day.

I had my fair share of poverty too.

I remember when my wife met me, the collar of my shirts were always torn; I had worn the life out of those shirts.

I only ate once a day because I was trying to manage money.

I trekked almost everywhere I went because the money was just not enough.

But I was praying one day when God said He will teach me how to get rich.

That was when He started teaching me principles of wealth from the Bible and pointing me to billionaires who showed me more.

My mindset changed drastically. I was getting access to information that only billionaires had!

After having a number of sessions with God and these billionaires, I decided that this knowledge was too valuable to be kept secret.

So I started The Biblical Billionaire Club.

In the Club, I share some of these Secret Information of Billionaires that I learned from the Bible and from Billionaires.

Within a few months, this information had started making people millionaires.

See how Remilekun started making over a million monthly just by doing the things she learned in The Biblical Billionaire Club:

She made this money selling snacks and pizza. And guess what, she doesn’t live in a major city like Lagos or Abuja, she lives in Ogun State.

Imagine making over a million naira monthly just by learning and practicing these Secret Information of Billionaires.

Not just Remilekun, many other members of the Club have been experiencing changes in their finances too.

Are you starting to see how effective these Secret Information of Billionaires are?

But don't let me bore you with people's results after using these Secret Information of Billionaires.

It’s all about you today.

How You Can Get Access to These Information and Be On Your Way to Billionaire Status

  • How to be in the same closed room with myself and billionaires who will share their secrets with you without constraints.
  • How to make good profits in your business and grow in wealth, because there is nothing as bad as being in a business for so long and still be struggling.
  • How to be able to live your dream life.
  • How to be able to take care of your family members and loved ones with money to make them comfortable.
  • How to say bye bye to poverty and never be broke again.

It doesn’t matter what you sell, whether it is:

  • Coaching
  • Digital products
  • Plumbing materials
  • Human hair
  • Makeup
  • Physical Product
  • Or even pure water

You can make billions in that field if you can just get access to these Secret Information of Billionaires.

This is What I Did

For the past 2 years now, I have reached out to some of the top 1% of billionaires and business coaches in Nigeria.

I asked them if they will like to share these information with some of my friends in a closed door meeting… They said YES.

It is a 3-day Business Retreat called The Biblical Billionaire Conference.

The last 2 years of holding the conference has been mind-blowing.

People made millions from the things they learnt. Don’t take my word for it, watch this video:

When I saw how impactful the access to these Secret Information of Billionaires was to people’s finances, I determined that I will do whatever it takes to hold it again this year.

And guess what, I was able to convince even more billionaires and business coaches to come this time.

Honestly, it wasn’t easy getting them on board, but the good thing is that they agreed.

Now, what will it take for you to be in this closed-door meeting and get access to these Secret Information of Billionaires?

Maybe the first question to ask is, how did I start getting access to closed door meetings with billionaires and top business coaches.

It cost me a lot!

It cost me a lot of time to build relationships with them and a whole lot of money too.

I know how long it took me to finally be in a closed-door meeting with my mentor, Dr. Cosmas Maduka.

It was worth it because, gleaning from his knowledge has saved me from losing money and helped me make lots of money.

Now imagine that you will not only be having my mentor, you will also be having other billionaires and business coaches share their secrets with you.

So tell me, how much is this worth to you?

Even if what you learn earns you an extra N100k per month, that will be N1,200,000 within the first year. (if you really implement what you are taught well, you will probably make this in the first month).

A N400,000 investment will be a steal to get this kind of knowledge.

But like I said earlier, I want to make these Secret Information of Billionaires available to any serious person who is hungry to succeed.

So I am not charging N400,000 for the tickets.

Instead, you will pay less than 10% of that.

Yes, N38,000 will get you access.

My team has been trying to convince me to increase the price, but I did not listen to them.

The interesting thing is:

The amount does not only cover entry into the event, it also covers your conference materials and free hostel accommodation for the 3 days.

It’s more than a steal at this point, it’s a robbery, but I like it.

My dream is to see as many Christians as possible succeed and I am ready to make sacrifices for that to happen.

Sounds like whining right? Well, those who know me know that it’s true.

The event will be happening at the Redemption City from the 18th – 20th of October 2024 .

So trust me, asides the great people speaking to us, there will be prayers and impartation for wealth because wealth is spiritual too.

NOTE: I want to do this every year, but I’ll be honest with you, it’s hard to get this kind of people together in one room at the same time.

So just ensure you don’t miss this one because there may never be another opportunity.

P.S 1: If you cannot be there physically and want to attend virtually, we will send you a Zoom link on the day of the event through which you can connect to the event live.

P.S 2: If you want a private and more comfortable room, that will cost an additional 30,000 and above for the three days.

There are different options of rooms you can choose. Choose the one that best suits you.

Now, for the sake of someone who may be thinking N38,000 is a lot to invest in a conference.

First, it is that kind of low value for information that keeps people poor.

Those who become billionaires value information more than anything else, that is why they become wealthy.

Secondly, what will you use your N38,000 for?

A trip to the movies with your friend? Recharge card to buy data and watch Netflix? Clothes?

Which of these things has changed your life so far?

The first time I paid for a session with a coach, I had to borrow the money and what I learned from that session paid back my debt multiple times over.

So for once, invest in something that can change your life.

Even if you have to borrow the money, borrow it and get on the path to success in life.

I have done my best to make it very affordable for you because I want you to succeed.

What will you do with this opportunity?